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Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo

Ancient Fencing Art Italian Institute

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To communicate with us, we are at your disposal.

Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo

Istituto per lo Studio della Scherma Antica
(Ancient Fencing Art Italian Institute)

Legal Address:
Via P. Poggi, 12,
San Lazzaro di Savena (BO),
CAP 40068, Italy

phone: +39-338-64.96.854
fax: +39-0544-97.58.80

Italian fiscal information
Cod. Fisc.
P.IVA 01949721201

You may contact us using e-mail.


To contact other separated sections of "Sala d'Arme ACHILLE MAROZZO" please consult the relative page (info in Italian).


Web Master: Alessandro Battistini (gestionesito@achillemarozzo.it)

©2006 Sala d'Arme Achille Marozzo ®